
Latest Adventures

Chasing the Chital: Part 1

All of my hunting experience, my outdoors career, it was all coming down to this one weekend; my first exotic hunt.

Get Ready With Me: Exotic Hunts Edition!

With the excitement of hunting dreams being realized, we’ve started preparing for a weekend on the hunting ranch, but there’s still plenty to do… so, in the least Instagram-influencer-way possible, get ready with me!

Welcome to Jess in the Outdoors!

Welcome, y’all! If you’re looking for hunting, fishing, and some wild eats from coastal South Texas, then you’re in the right place. I’ve been hunting and fishing since 2015 and have found a deep passion for the outdoors. Learning what it means to be an outdoorswoman has made me a more confident person all around, and I’m hear to share that with you! (As well as some triumphs and teachable moments along the way!) Join me, Jess, in the outdoors!

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