
Fishing in the 361

Water temperatures have been on the rise while tides have started to fall, giving us every fisherman’s nightmare; not a bite in sight.

Spinning Reel Hack!

With fishing season now around the corner, I’m posting a throwback to one of my tried and true methods of fishing for speckled trout here in the Laguna Madre.

jessica holding up redfish on a boat

And With That, the 2022 Season Comes to an End

It’s been such a wild year for me, and I can’t believe how much my life has changed (for the better!). Here are just a few highlights!

jessica in front of a christmas tree with a fishing knife and monocular

Gifts for the Outdoorswoman in Your Life

If you’re still looking for some gift ideas for the outdoorswoman in your life… here are some ideas to help you get started!

girl standing on a boat in fishing gear

Coastal Fishing Ride or Die Gear: DSG Fish Edition!

I’ve been so blessed to be a ProStaffer for DSG Fish this summer and have so enjoyed getting to try some gear made by women for women. Check out my favorites for coastal fishing from this year’s line!

girl holding up large redfish on a boat surrounded by water

Catching Reds with Captain Jack

My father-in-law, Captain Jack, had invited me to go fishing today for some red fish in his super secret spot and I was excited to get back on the water. Of all the saltwater inshore fish, red fish (or red drum) are some of the most prized for their size, fight, and flaky fillets.

Court holding up large bullredfish

Outdoors Resolutions – 2022

Last year, I enjoyed the challenge and uncertainty of trying new things. This year will be no different!

Rainbow Trout, Traeger Grills, and a Deeper Confidence

When you meet an accomplished outdoorswoman, there’s almost always one attribute that they all share. She will always carry this air of quiet confidence that goes deeper than her appearance. Deeper than her career. Deeper than her passion. Something that you can’t quite put your finger on… 

Spinning Reels VS Baitcasters: Which one?

Is fishing with a baitcaster the end-all, be-all of inshore fishing? Nope. But it can be a major game-changer when it comes to hooking and landing bigger fish.

6 Tips for a More Successful Fishing Trip

After our first fishing outing of the year, we came up with a few tips to make your next fishing trip a little more successful. 

Big Fish: A Trophy Story

The trophy isn’t about the size, score, weight, etc. of an animal; it’s about the experience, and getting to remember that moment of triumph every time you look at it.