Get Ready With Me: Exotic Hunts Edition!

With the excitement of hunting dreams being realized, we’ve started preparing for a weekend on the hunting ranch, but there’s still plenty to do… so, in the least Instagram-influencer-way possible, get ready with me!

Killers and Accomplices

“Come to think of it, we are all killers or accomplices,” Gennady Soloviev says as he works an ermine pelt. Meanwhile, I am sitting on my couch in South Texas watching Werner Herzog’s documentary, “Happy People”, marinating in a little frustration after another unkind comment on one of my hunting posts on social media. Unfortunately, hate for hunters is pretty common online, and it’s something I’m still adjusting to on my social media pages.

Archery Season… 2024?

Ever since I got into hunting, I had dreams of stalking through the woods with my compound bow, silently following a stealthy giant and hoping to make it close enough for a good shot. Well, I’m tired of making excuses and am ready to make something happen!

The Last Frontier: Day 1 in Kenai

There are two things that my husband and I immediately learned about fishing in a new place for a new species on this trip. #1: do some research. #2: when you go fishing for salmon in Alaska, bring your own waders!

The Last Frontier: Seward to Kenai

Seward was an incredible first taste of Alaska. The scenic fjords were breathtaking, the wildlife plentiful, and the town itself was quirky and fun. The unusual mix of important Alaskan history, natural wonder, sportsman’s paradise, and small town charm made it an incredible experience that I’ll never forget.

The Last Frontier: Seward, Alaska

We started our trip in Seward, Alaska, down near the Southern-most tip of the Kenai Peninsula. For such a small town, Seward is steeped in both natural splendor and historic significance.

Spinning Reels Vs Baitcasters: Which One To Choose?

Taking a break from vacation posts to talk about reels as we get closer to open water fishing season! Which will you choose; a spinning reel or baitcaster?