Danielle Prewett’s Tequila Turkey Tacos

If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you’ll know that my husband and I are big-time MeatEater fans! Like watch every episode and try every recipe fans.

In fact, just about every weekend over the summer, we’ve made a point to make one special wild game meal or try a new recipe with the meat we have.

Danielle Prewett’s Tequila Turkey Tacos have been on the docket for a long time, and this weekend, we decided to give them a try.

Wild Turkey Leg Taco with Queso Fresca, Cilantro, Pico de Gallo in a Flour Tortilla
Tequila Turkey Tacos

I’ll tell you this; you will never leave Turkey legs in the woods ever again after trying this recipe. The recipe is for 4-6 people, but the two of us devoured these moist, flavorful carnitas until there was nothing left!

Here’s just a few reasons why we loved this meal;

1. It’s super easy!

Yep. Mix up the sauce and seasoning, brown the meat, and let the crockpot do the work!

We got it started around 10:30 in morning and let it cook while we did some chores/ran some errands throughout the day. It was ready by 6:30.

2. It can serve a lot of people and be customized very easily to their tastes.

Besides the turkey itself, you could put anything on this and enjoy it. The recipe called for cilantro and queso Fresca, but we added some pico de Gallo (being from South Texas and all) and already have plans to caramelize onions the next time.

This is something that could easily please a crowd, and we foresee more of this meal at family gatherings. (Once we have a chance to go turkey hunting again!)

Buffet of shredded turkey meat, vegetables, cilantro, Queso Fresca, and Pico de Gallo

3. It’s one more way to utilize the meat from the animal

Turkey legs are typically tough; when you think of turkey leg recipes, you might imagine something that resembles what they serve at Renaissance fairs…

This is just one more way to enjoy the food that you harvest and a great way to share it with others.

Wild Turkey Leg Tacos on a plate

Danielle is an amazing outdoorswoman and has incredible wild game recipes, so go get this one at here.

And if you don’t already, follow her online! She hunts, fishes, forages, and then turns the harvest into beautiful, delicious creations.

We certainly look forward to seeing more of her recipes on MeatEater!

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